A gathering of 6th-8th grade students where every week they begin to learn about the gospel and how each story in the Bible applies to how God is working today.

We believe that middle school is a very tough time. As kids search for identity and repeatedly ask the question “who am I” we want to meet them where they’re at and point them to Jesus. Our goal is to begin to transition students into figuring out their identity. We want their identity to be rooted in Jesus.


Every Wednesday night students experience fun games and activities, a challenging talk that takes application and puts it into the student's lives, and small group time where students bond with their small group leader and talk about issues and questions about God.

We believe that the gospel is relevant to where we are today. We want to show students that Jesus meets us in our struggles and in our joys. Our goal is to see students meet Jesus where they’re at. We want students to know that the gospel isn’t about cleaning up but rather coming clean. When we understand our need for Jesus that’s when transformation begins to take place.


Every Wednesday during the school year, from 5:30-8:40 PM


Broadfording Church West Campus

16109 Broadfording Road,

Hagerstown, MD 21740



If you have further questions about Broadfording Youth, you can email our Youth Director @